Section 43.76.365 - One-half percent seafood development tax(a) A person holding a limited entry permit or interim-use permit under AS 16.43 shall pay a seafood development tax at the rate of 0.5 percent of the value, as defined in AS 43.75.290, of fishery resources taken in a fishery that the person removes from the state or transfers to a buyer in the state.(b) A 0.5 percent seafood development tax on fishery resources taken in a fishery may only be levied or collected under (a) of this section if(1) the commissioner of commerce, community, and economic development has designated an organization to be the qualified regional seafood development association for the seafood development region in which the fishery occurs; and(2) the 0.5 percent seafood development tax for the fishery is approved under AS 43.76.370.