Alaska Stat. § 42.45.150

Current through Chapter 61 of the 2024 Legislative Session and 2024 Executive Orders 125, 133 through 135
Section 42.45.150 - Definitions for AS 42.45.100 - 42.45.150

In AS 42.45.100 - 42.45.150,

(1) "commission" means the Regulatory Commission of Alaska;
(2) "community facility" means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educational facility, or community building whose operations are not paid for by the state, the federal government, or private commercial interests;
(3) "eligible electric utility" or "electric utility" means a public, cooperative, or other corporation, company, individual, or association of individuals, and includes the lessees, trustees, or receivers appointed by a court, that
(A) owns, operates, manages, or controls a plant or system for the furnishing, by generation, transmission, or distribution, of electric service to the public for compensation;
(B) during calendar year 1983, had a residential consumption level of power eligible for power cost equalization under former AS 44.83 of less than 7,500 megawatt hours or had a residential consumption level of power eligible for power cost equalization under former AS 44.83 of less than 15,000 megawatt hours if the utility served two or more municipalities or unincorporated communities; and
(C) during calendar year 1984, used diesel fired generators to produce more than 75 percent of the electrical consumption of the utility; an electric utility that is a subsidiary of another electric utility is an "eligible electric utility" if the operations of the subsidiary, considered separately, meet the eligibility requirements of AS 42.45.100 - 42.45.150; if an electric utility did not receive power cost assistance in 1983 but is otherwise eligible for power cost equalization under AS 42.45.100 - 42.45.150, the utility is an "eligible electric utility";
(4) "power costs" means costs used in determining power cost equalization under AS 42.45.110 (a) and (c).

AS 42.45.150

Amended by SLA 2019, ch. 13,sec. 96, eff. 10/17/2019.