Section 42.40.180 - Rules(a) The board shall adopt rules to carry out its functions and the purposes of this chapter, including rules to safeguard property owned, managed, or transported by the corporation and to protect employees and persons using the corporation's property or services. At least 15 days before the adoption of a rule, the board shall give public notice of the proposed action by publishing a notice in at least three newspapers of general circulation in the state and by mailing a copy of the notice to each person who has requested notice of proposed changes to rules. The notice must state the time, place, and nature of the proceedings and must contain a summary of the subject of the proposed rule.(b) On the date and at the time and place designated in the notice required under (a) of this section the board shall provide each interested person an opportunity to present statements in writing concerning the proposed rule and shall give members of the public an opportunity to present oral statements for a total period of at least one hour.(c) The board shall consider all relevant matters presented to it before adopting a rule. The board may take action on a rule that varies in content from the summary provided with the notice of the proposed rule if the subject of the rule was reflected in the summary and it provided reasonable notice to the public as to whether their interests could be affected by the board's action on that subject.(d) The board shall establish in the bylaws of the corporation additional procedures for adopting rules if necessary.