Except for upland, shoreland, tideland, and water overlying the land lying northeasterly of a line running parallel to and 1100 feet offset southwesterly from the runway centerline of the Sitka Airport, the upland, shoreland, tideland, and water overlying the land owned or acquired by the state within the following described parcels are established as the Fort Rousseau Causeway State Historical Park:
Township 56 South, Range 63 East, Copper River Meridian, described as:
The following lots located within United States Survey 3926:
Section 2: That portion of Lot 86 within Section 2
That portion of Lot 86A within Section 2
That portion of Lot 90 within Section 2
Lot 91
Lot 92
Section 3: E1/2SE1/4NW1/4NE1/4NW1/4
Lot 74
Lot 75
Lot 75A
Lot 76
That portion of Lot 77 within Section 3
Lot 78
Lot 78A
Lot 79
Lot 80
Lot 80A
Lot 81
Lot 81A
Lot 82
Lot 82A
That portion of Lot 83 within Section 3
Lot 84
Lot 84A
Lot 85
Lot 85A
That portion of Lot 86 within Section 3
That portion of Lot 86A within Section 3
Lot 87
Lot 88
Lot 89
That portion of Lot 90 within Section 3
Section 4: That portion of Lot 77 within Section 4
That portion of Lot 83 within Section 4.
AS 41.21.191