Alaska Stat. § 36.30.850

Current through Chapter 61 of the 2024 Legislative Session and 2024 Executive Orders 125, 133 through 135
Section 36.30.850 - Application of this chapter
(a) This chapter applies only to contracts solicited or entered into after January 1, 1988, unless the parties agree to its application to a contract solicited or entered into before that date.
(b) This chapter applies to every expenditure of state money by the state, acting through an agency, under a contract, except that this chapter does not apply to
(1) grants;
(2) contracts for professional witnesses to provide for professional services or testimony relating to
(A) existing or probable lawsuits in which the state is or may become a party; or
(B) litigation in which the Public Defender Agency or the office of public advocacy has been appointed to represent a person;
(3) contracts of the University of Alaska where the work is to be performed substantially by students enrolled in the university;
(4) contracts for medical doctors and dentists;
(5) acquisitions or disposals of real property or interest in real property, except as provided in AS 36.30.080 and 36.30.085;
(6) disposals under AS 38.05;
(7) contracts for the transportation of ballots under AS 15;
(8) acquisitions or disposals of property and other contracts relating to airports under AS 02.15.070, 02.15.090, 02.15.091, and AS 44.88;
(9) disposals of obsolete property under AS 19.05.060;
(10) disposals of obsolete material or equipment under AS 35.20.060;
(11) agreements with providers of services under AS 47.25.071 - 47.25.095; AS 47.07; AS 47.08; AS 47.10; AS 47.12; AS 47.14; AS 47.17; AS 47.24; and AS 47.27, including contractors under AS 47.27.050;
(12) contracts of the Department of Fish and Game for flights that involve specialized flying and piloting skills and are not point-to-point;
(13) purchases of income-producing assets for the state treasury or a public corporation of the state;
(14) a contract that is a delegation, in whole or in part, of investment powers held by
(A) the commissioner of revenue under AS 14.42.200, 14.42.210, AS 18.56.095, AS 37.10.070, 37.10.071, or AS 37.14;
(B) the Board of Regents of the University of Alaska under AS 14.40.250 - 14.40.491;
(15) a contract that is a delegation, in whole or in part, of investment powers or fiduciary duties of
(A) the Board of Trustees of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation under AS 37.13;
(B) the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority under AS 37.14.001 - 37.14.099;
(16) the purchase of books, book binding services, newspapers, periodicals, audio-visual materials, network information services access, approval plans, professional memberships, archival materials, objects of art, and items for museum or archival acquisition having cultural, historical, or archaeological significance; in this paragraph
(A) "approval plans" means book selection services in which current book titles meeting an agency's customized specifications are provided to the agency subject to the right of the agency to return those books that do not meet with the agency's approval;
(B) "archival materials" means the noncurrent records of an agency that are preserved after appraisal because of their value;
(C) "audio-visual materials" means nonbook prerecorded materials, including records, tapes, slides, transparencies, films, filmstrips, cassettes, videos, compact discs, laser discs, and items that require the use of equipment to render them usable;
(D) "network information services" means a group of resources from which cataloging information, holdings records, inter-library loans, acquisitions information, and other reference resources can be obtained;
(17) contracts for the purchase of standardized examinations for licensure under AS 08;
(18) contracts for home health care provided under regulations adopted by the Department of Health and for adult residential care services provided under regulations adopted by the Department of Health or by the Department of Administration;
(19) contracts for supplies or services for research projects funded by money received from the federal government or private grants;
(20) guest speakers or performers for an educational or cultural activity;
(21) contracts of the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority for a clean coal technology demonstration project that
(A) is attempting to develop a coal-fired electric generation project;
(B) uses technology that is capable of commercialization during the 1990's; and
(C) qualifies for federal financial participation under P.L. 99-190 as amended;
(22) operation and protection of assets or disposals of equipment and supplies acquired through foreclosure or other legal proceedings relating to loans issued under AS 03.10;
(23) purchases of curatorial and conservation services to maintain, preserve, and interpret
(A) objects of art; and
(B) items having cultural, historical, or archaeological significance to the state;
(24) acquisition of confidential seismic survey data necessary for pre-sale oil and gas lease or gas only lease analyses under AS 38.05.180;
(25) contracts for village public safety officers;
(26) purchases of supplies and services to support the operations of the Alaska state troopers or law enforcement officers engaged in fish and wildlife protection if the procurement officer for the Department of Public Safety makes a written determination that publicity of the purchases would jeopardize the safety of personnel or the success of a covert operation;
(27) expenditures when rates are set by law or ordinance;
(28) construction of new vessels by the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for the Alaska marine highway system;
(29) contracts entered into with a regional development organization; in this paragraph, "regional development organization" has the meaning given in AS 44.33.895;
(30) contracts that are to be performed in an area outside of the country and that require a knowledge of the customs, procedures, rules, or laws of the area;
(31) contracts that are between the
(A) Department of Law and attorneys who are not employed by the state and that are for the review or prosecution of possible violations of the criminal law of the state in situations where the attorney general concludes that an actual or potential conflict of interest makes it inappropriate for the Department of Law to review or prosecute the possible violations; and
(B) Public Defender Agency or the office of public advocacy and attorneys who are not employed by the state and that are for the review or defense of possible violations of the criminal law of the state in situations where the public defender or the director of the office of public advocacy concludes that an actual or potential conflict of interest makes it inappropriate for the Public Defender Agency or the office of public advocacy to review or defend the possible violations;
(32) contracts between the Department of Natural Resources and contractors qualified to evaluate hydrocarbon development, production, transportation, and economics, to assist the commissioner of natural resources in evaluating applications for royalty increases or decreases or other royalty adjustments, and evaluating the related financial and technical data, entered into under AS 38.05.180 (j);
(33) contracts of the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority made with the developer of an integrated transportation and port facility owned by the authority;
(34) procurements of contracts with the media for advertising;
(35) contracts between the state medical examiner and a provider of medical services to perform or assist in performing the duties assigned to the state medical examiner in AS 12.65.020;
(36) contracts between the commissioner of revenue and an independent contractor under AS 43.82.240;
(37) contracts for a convener under AS 44.62.730 or for a facilitator under AS 44.62.760 related to a negotiated regulation making process under AS 44.62.710 - 44.62.800;
(38) grants and contracts with qualified entities for services under AS 47.18.330 for the foster care transition program;
(39) contracts for travel services, including airplane travel, hotel accommodations, and travel agency services, but excluding motor vehicle rentals;
(40) contracts of the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education or the Alaska Student Loan Corporation for the guarantee and disbursing of financial aid money to institutions of postsecondary education under the financial aid programs under AS 14.43.091 - 14.43.750 and AS 14.44.025;
(41) contracts for an arbitration panel to determine whether a project is uneconomic under AS 43.90.240, and contracts for the development of application provisions for licensure and for the evaluation of those applications under AS 43.90;
(42) contracts for delivery of home heating assistance under AS 47.25.626;
(43) contracts of the Alaska Pension Obligation Bond Corporation under AS 37.16.010 - 37.16.900;
(44) the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation (AS 31.25) and subsidiaries of the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation.
(45) contracts for professional and technical services by the Department of Natural Resources to support the development of agreements and contracts under AS 38.05.020(b)(10) and (11);
(46) contracts of the Department of Law developed with client participation for legal services related to an Alaska liquefied natural gas project as that project is defined in AS 31.25.390, except that, to the extent practicable, the Department of Law shall use the procurement process under AS 36.30.320 with the participation of the client;
(47) contracts of the Department of Education and Early Development for student assessments required under AS 14.03.123 and AS 14.07.020;
(48) a contract under AS 06.65.
(49) contracts of the Alaska Tax Credit Certificate Bond Corporation under AS 37.18;
(50) overriding royalty interest agreements under AS 44.37.230;
(51) contracts between a registry and the Department of Natural Resources under AS 38.95.400 - 38.95.499; in this paragraph, "registry" has the meaning given in AS 38.95.499.
(c) Except for AS 36.30.085 and 36.30.700 - 36.30.790, this chapter does not apply to contracts between two or more agencies, the state and its political subdivisions, or the state and other governments.
(d) Nothing in this chapter or in regulations adopted under this chapter prevents an agency or political subdivision from complying with the terms and conditions of a grant, gift, bequest, cooperative agreement, or federal assistance agreement.
(e) [Renumbered as AS 36.30.170 (i)].

AS 36.30.850

Amended by SLA 2023, ch. 2,sec. 2, eff. 5/24/2023.
Amended by AK 2022 Executive Order 121,sec. 134, eff. 7/1/2022.
Amended by SLA 2018, ch. 33,sec. 1, eff. 6/20/2018.
Amended by SLA 2016, ch. 54,sec. 21, eff. 10/26/2016.
Amended by SLA 2016, ch. 56,sec. 3, eff. 8/6/2016.
Amended by SLA 2014, ch. 76,sec. 5, eff. 10/8/2014.
Amended by SLA 2014, ch. 79,§§sec.3, sec.4 eff. 7/10/2014.
Amended by SLA 2014, ch. 14,sec. 22, eff. 5/8/2014.
Amended by SLA 2013, ch. 58,sec. 2, eff. 9/24/2013.
Amended by SLA 2013, ch. 11,§§sec.4, sec.23 eff. 5/21/2013.