Alaska Stat. § 35.05.040

Current through Chapter 26 of the Legislative Session (excluding Chapter 21)
Section 35.05.040 - Powers of department

The department may

(1) acquire property;
(2) exercise the power of eminent domain;
(3) take immediate possession of real property, or any interest in it under a declaration of taking or by other lawful means;
(4) acquire rights-of-way for present or future use;
(5) dispose of excess property or property rights;
(6) accept and dispose of federal funds or property available for public works construction, maintenance, or equipment;
(7) enter into contracts or agreements relating to public works with the federal government and political subdivisions, and also enter into contracts with a foreign government if approved by the federal government;
(8) exercise any other power necessary to carry out the purpose of this title;
(9) lease or grant land or any interest in land to the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation for a purpose set out in AS 18.55.100 - 18.55.960 on terms and conditions prescribed by the department;
(10) procure directly materials, labor, and contractual services for planning, designing, leasing, and constructing public facilities of the state;
(11) by lease under AS 36.30 (State Procurement Code), procure and manage public facilities for state use.

AS 35.05.040

Amended by AK 2022 Executive Order 122,sec. 3, eff. 7/1/2022.