Alaska Stat. § 29.60.599

Current through Chapter 61 of the 2024 Legislative Session and 2024 Executive Orders 125, 133 through 135
Section 29.60.599 - Definitions

In AS 29.60.500 - 29.60.599,

(1) "barrel" when used with reference to oil has the meaning given in AS 43.20.144;
(2) "containment and cleanup" has the meaning given in AS 46.08.900;
(3) "disaster emergency" means a disaster declared by the governor under AS 26.23.020;
(4) "fund" means the oil and hazardous substance release prevention and response fund established by AS 46.08.010;
(5) "hazardous substance" has the meaning given in AS 46.09.900;
(6) "oil" and "release" have the meanings given in AS 46.08.900;
(7) "school district" means a borough school district, a city school district, or a regional educational attendance area under AS 14;
(8) "service"
(A) means
(i) a function performed or service provided by a municipality under a duty or power authorized by this title or by another provision of law authorizing a municipality to perform functions or provide services;
(ii) a comparable function performed or service provided by a village; or
(iii) a function performed or service provided by a school district;
(B) includes functions not previously performed and services not previously provided by the municipality or village;
(9) "village" means a place within the unorganized borough or within a borough if the power, function, or service for which a grant application is submitted under AS 29.60.500 - 29.60.599 is not exercised or provided by the borough on an areawide or nonareawide basis at the time the grant application is submitted, that
(A) has irrevocably waived, in a form approved by the Department of Law, any claim of sovereign immunity that might arise in connection with the use of grant money under this chapter; and
(B) has
(i) a council organized under 25 U.S.C. 476 (sec. 16 of the Indian Reorganization Act);
(ii) a traditional village council recognized by the United States as eligible for federal aid to Indians; or
(iii) a council recognized by the commissioner under regulations adopted by the department to determine and give official recognition of village entities under AS 44.33.755(b).

AS 29.60.599