Alaska Stat. § 18.29.105

Current through Chapter 26 of the Legislative Session (excluding Chapter 21)
Section 18.29.105 - Health care professionals workforce enhancement program; purpose; advisory council
(a) The health care professionals workforce enhancement program is established in the department for the purpose of addressing the increasing shortage of certain health care professionals in the state by expanding the distribution of health care professionals.
(b) The program established under this section must include
(1) employer payments, as described in AS 18.29.110;
(2) direct incentives, as described in AS 18.29.120;
(3) student loan repayments, as described in AS 18.29.125;
(4) procedures for the commissioner's designation and prioritization of sites eligible for participation in the program;
(5) an application process for participation in the program as
(A) an eligible site; or
(B) a tier I, tier II, or tier III health care professional;
(6) provision of public information and notices relating to the program;
(7) a 12-year lifetime maximum for participation in the program by a tier I, tier II, or tier III health care professional.
(c) The commissioner shall appoint an advisory council to advise the department on the program. The advisory council consists of members with health care expertise, including expertise in economic issues affecting the hiring and retention of health care professionals in the state. An employee of the department may serve only as a nonvoting member. Members of the advisory council serve at the pleasure of the commissioner and without compensation but are entitled to per diem and travel allowances authorized for boards and commissions under AS 39.20.180. The advisory council shall provide oversight and evaluation of the program and make recommendations, including recommendations relating to
(1) identification and monitoring of underserved and health care professional shortage areas;
(2) eligible sites;
(3) an employer's ability to pay;
(4) prioritization of sites and health care professionals eligible for participation in the program;
(5) contract award priorities;
(6) program capacities;
(7) strategic plans; and
(8) program data management.
(d) The commissioner shall, in consultation with the advisory council established under (c) of this section,
(1) administer and implement the program;
(2) classify each eligible site as having either regular or very hard-to-fill positions, or both;
(3) establish
(A) procedures for allowable leaves of absence;
(B) a civil penalty, not to exceed $1,000, for each violation by a health care professional or employer of a provision of this chapter, a regulation made under authority of this chapter, or a provision of a contract entered into under this chapter; and
(C) a priority for participation in the program based on the availability of funding.
(e) The department shall, on or before July 1 of each year, prepare and submit to the advisory council a report that describes the participation rates, costs, and effect of the program on the availability of health care services to underserved individuals or in health care professional shortage or rural areas for the previous calendar year.
(f) The department may
(1) contract for payments under the program and for the services of a consultant, expert, financial advisor, or other person the department considers necessary for the exercise of its powers and functions and to perform its duties under this chapter;
(2) adopt regulations necessary to implement the program.

AS 18.29.105

Added by SLA 2019, ch. 15,sec. 1, eff. 7/1/2019.