Alaska Stat. § 18.09.210

Current through Chapter 26 of the Legislative Session (excluding Chapter 21)
Section 18.09.210 - State Vaccine Assessment Council; members; duties
(a) The State Vaccine Assessment Council is established in the department for the purpose of determining the amount of vaccine assessments made by the commissioner to be paid by assessable entities and other program participants in the state under procedures established by the council.
(b) The council consists of eight members appointed by the commissioner as follows:
(1) the department's chief medical officer for public health or the chief medical officer's designee, who shall serve as chair;
(2) two health care providers licensed in the state, one of whom must be a pediatrician;
(3) three members representing health care insurers licensed in the state under AS 21.54, one of whom must be a plan administrator; each insurer must represent a different organization in the state;
(4) a representative of a tribal or public health insurance plan;
(5) the director of the division of insurance or the director's designee.
(c) A member appointed to the council under (b)(2) - (4) of this section serves without compensation and reimbursement of expenses for a term of three years or until a successor is appointed. A member may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
(d) The council shall meet at the call of the chair and conduct business by majority vote.
(e) The department shall provide staff and other assistance to the council.
(f) The council shall
(1) establish and implement a plan of operation to
(A) determine the amount of the annual vaccine assessment, subject to review by the commissioner, for each included vaccine for each covered individual following the initial vaccine assessment amounts determined by the commissioner;
(B) use a method for determining the vaccine assessment amount that attributes to each assessable entity and other program participant the proportionate costs of included vaccines for covered individuals;
(C) establish procedures for the collection and deposit of the vaccine assessment;
(D) establish procedures for collecting and updating data from assessable entities and other program participants as necessary for the operation of the program and the determination of the annual vaccine assessment; the data collected must include the number of covered individuals by each assessable entity and other program participant and the annual vaccine program usage by each covered individual;
(E) devise a system for reducing surplus payments made by an assessable entity and other program participant by crediting past overpayments to current year vaccine assessments;
(2) submit to the commissioner and to the legislature, not later than July 1 of each year, an annual financial report, including assessment determinations and overall costs of the program, in a form acceptable to the commissioner and the legislature;
(3) monitor compliance with the program requirements and vaccine assessments and submit a periodic noncompliance report to the commissioner and the director of insurance that lists assessable entities and other program participants that failed to
(A) remit vaccine assessments as determined by the council and approved by the commissioner; or
(B) comply with a reporting or auditing requirement under the program after notice from the council.

AS 18.09.210

Amended by SLA 2019, ch. 17,sec. 7, eff. 7/1/2019.
Repealed by SLA 2014, ch. 30,sec. 5, eff. 1/1/2021, but section 5 later repealed.
Added by SLA 2014, ch. 30,sec. 1, eff. 1/1/2015.