Section 14.30.360 - Curriculum(a) Each district in the state public school system shall be encouraged to initiate and conduct a program in health education for kindergarten through grade 12. The program should include instruction in physical health and personal safety including alcohol and drug abuse education, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), early cancer prevention and detection, dental health, family health including infant care, environmental health, the identification and prevention of child abuse, child abduction, neglect, sexual abuse, and domestic violence, and appropriate use of health services.(b) The state board shall establish guidelines for a health and personal safety education program. Personal safety guidelines shall be developed in consultation with the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Upon request, the Department of Education and Early Development, the Department of Health, and the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault shall provide technical assistance to school districts in the development of personal safety curricula. A school health education specialist position shall be established and funded in the department to coordinate the program statewide. Adequate funds to enable curriculum and resource development, adequate consultation to school districts, and a program of teacher training in health and personal safety education shall be provided.(c) In addition to the health education program encouraged under (a) of this section, a school district shall establish guidelines for schools in the district to provide opportunities during each full school day for students in grades kindergarten through eight for a minimum of 90 percent of the daily amount of physical activity recommended for children and adolescents in the physical activity guidelines by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Department of Health and Human Services. The time provided for physical activity under this subsection may include physical education classes and opportunities for unstructured physical activity, such as recess. A school district shall adopt guidelines under this subsection that (1) allow a student to be excused from the physical activity opportunities if the student is unable to participate for a medical reason; and(2) provide an exemption from the physical activity opportunities under this subsection for health and safety reasons, such as inclement weather. (d) In this section, "district" has the meaning given in AS 14.17.990. Amended by AK 2022 Executive Order 121,sec. 134, eff. 7/1/2022.Amended by SLA 2016, ch. 40,sec. 1, eff. 10/16/2016.