Alaska Stat. § 09.30.010

Current through Chapter 26 of the Legislative Session (excluding Chapter 21)
Section 09.30.010 - Recording copy of judgment as lien

A certified copy of the judgment or decree of a court of this state or a court of record of the United States upon which execution may issue, the enforcement of which has not been stayed, may be recorded with the recorder of a recording district. From the recording, the judgment or decree becomes a lien upon the real property of the defendant that is in the recording district, that is not exempt from execution, and that is owned by the defendant at the time or acquired by the defendant afterward but before the lien expires. The lien continues during the time execution may issue on the judgment or decree but for not more than 10 years from date of entry of the judgment or decree. After expiration of the lien, the court may grant leave for issuance of execution upon the judgment or decree. From the date of recording the judgment or decree, together with the order allowing issuance of execution, the judgment or decree becomes a lien in the manner provided in this section.

AS 09.30.010