Wyo. R. State Bar, Att'y Cond. & Prac. 1

As amended through April 30, 2019
Section 1 - Preamble
(a) Statement of Policy. All members of the Wyoming State Bar, having taken an oath to support the Constitution and laws of this state and of the United States, are charged with obedience to those laws at all times. As officers of the Wyoming Supreme Court, attorneys must observe the highest standards of professional conduct. A license to practice law is a continuing proclamation by this Court that its holder is a person to whom members of the public may entrust their legal affairs with confidence; that the attorney will be true to that trust; that the attorney will hold inviolate the confidences of clients; and that the attorney will competently fulfill the responsibilities owed to clients and to the courts. In order to maintain the highest standards of professional conduct, attorneys who have demonstrated that they are unable, or are likely to be unable, to discharge their professional responsibilities shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary or disability proceedings.
(b) Jurisdiction. Every member of the Wyoming State Bar, any attorney admitted pro hac vice, and any attorney who is not admitted to the Wyoming State Bar but practicing law in Wyoming is subject to the disciplinary and disability jurisdiction of the Court. By practicing law in Wyoming, an attorney is deemed to consent to the disclosure of any Wyoming disciplinary action to those jurisdictions in which the attorney is licensed to practice.
(c) Standards of Conduct. Acts or omissions by an attorney, individually or in concert with any other person or persons which violate the Wyoming Rules of Professional Conduct or these rules shall constitute misconduct and shall be grounds for discipline, whether or not the act or omission occurred in the course of any attorney-client relationship. Failure to respond to a request from Bar Counsel or to comply with the requirements of these rules may be grounds for discipline.
(d) Plenary Power of the Court. The Court reserves the authority to review any determination made in the course of a disciplinary proceeding and to enter any order with respect thereto, including an order directing that further proceedings be conducted as provided by these rules.

Wyo. R. State Bar, Att'y Cond. & Prac. 1

Adopted April 6, 2015, effective July 1, 2015.