
As amended through April 30, 2019
(a) Claims, proceedings and reports involving claims for reimbursement are confidential until the Committee authorizes reimbursement to Claimant, except as provided below, unless provided otherwise by law. After payment of reimbursement, the Committee may publicize the nature of the claim, the amount of reimbursement and the name of the lawyer. The name and other identifying information of Claimant shall not be publicized unless specific permission has been granted by Claimant.
(b) This Rule shall not be construed to deny access to relevant information by professional discipline agencies or law enforcement authorities, as the Committee shall authorize, or the release of statistical information that does not disclose the identity of the lawyer or Claimant, or the use of such information as is necessary to pursue the Fund's subrogation rights under Rule 10.

Adopted by Order dated May 16, 2017, effective July 1, 2017.