W. Va. R. Proc. Child & Neg. Proceed. 18a

As amended through December 16, 2024
Rule 18a - Appointments; responsibilities of guardian ad litem
(a)Appointment.- W.Va. Code § 49-4-601(f) and the Guidelines for Children's Guardians AdLitem in Child Abuse and Neglect Proceedings set forth in Appendix A of these Rules govern theappointment of a child's guardian ad litem in a child abuse and neglect proceeding. In the initialorder resulting from the filing of an abuse and neglect petition, the circuit court appoints aguardian ad litem to represent a child from a list of qualified attorneys who have completed therequired guardian ad litem training. A guardian ad litem may be appointed to represent more thanone child unless the representation of more than one child creates a conflict of interest.
(b)Responsibilities of guardian ad litem.- A guardian ad litem should adhere to theGuidelines for Children's Guardians Ad Litem in Child Abuse and Neglect Proceedings set forth inAppendix A of these Rules and submit a written report to the court and provide a copy to allparties at least five (5) days prior to the disposition hearing that complies with the requirementsset forth in Section D(8) of the Guidelines and Appendix B of these Rules. Upon petition of theguardian ad litem , the court, in its discretion, may seal the report or redact information containedin the report.

W. Va. R. Proc. Child & Neg. Proceed. 18a