Wash. R. ELC. ELC 12.6

As amended through August 27, 2024
Rule ELC 12.6 - Briefs
(a) Brief Required. The party seeking review must file a brief stating their objections to the Board's decision.
(b) Time for Filing. The brief of the party seeking review should be filed with the Supreme Court within 30 days of service under rule 12.5(c) of the list of portions of the record transmitted to the Court.
(c) Answering Brief. The answering brief of the other party should be filed with the Court within 30 days after service of the brief of the party seeking review.
(d) Reply Brief. A reply brief of a party seeking review should be filed with the Court within the sooner of 20 days after service of the answering brief or 14 days before oral argument. A reply brief should be limited to a response to the issues in the brief to which the reply brief is directed.
(e) Briefs When Both Parties Seek Review. When both the respondent lawyer and disciplinary counsel seek review of a Board decision, the respondent is deemed the party seeking review for the purposes of this rule. In that case, disciplinary counsel may file a brief in reply to any response the respondent has made to the issues presented by disciplinary counsel, to be filed with the Court the sooner of 20 days after service of the respondent's reply brief or 14 days before oral argument.
(f) Form of Briefs. Briefs filed under this rule must conform as nearly as possible to the requirements of RAP 10.3 and 10.4. Bar file documents should be abbreviated BF, the transcript or partial transcript of the hearing should be abbreviated TR, and exhibits should be abbreviated EX.
(g) Reproduction and Service of Briefs by Clerk. The Supreme Court clerk reproduces and distributes briefs as provided in RAP 10.5.

Wash. R. ELC. ELC 12.6

Adopted effective 10/1/2002. amended effective 1/1/2023.