A judgment of conviction shall set forth whether the defendant was represented by a lawyer or waived representation by a lawyer, the plea, the verdict or findings, and the adjudication and sentence. The court may order that its sentence include special conditions or requirements, including a specified schedule for the payment of a fine, restitution, or other costs, or the performance of community service. If the defendant is found not guilty or for any other reason is entitled to be discharged, judgment shall be entered accordingly. The judge or clerk shall enter the judgment on the record. The judgment and record of the sentencing proceedings of the courts of limited jurisdiction shall be preserved in perpetuity, either in an electronic or hard copy format. "Hard copy format" may include microfilm, microfiche, or a paper copy. At a minimum, the judgment and record of the sentencing proceedings shall include:
The judgment and record of the sentencing proceedings shall be prima facie evidence of a valid conviction in subsequent proceedings in courts of limited jurisdiction and in superior court.
Wash. R. Ct. Lim. Juri. CrRLJ 7.3