The Supreme Court is the rulemaking authority for Washington's integrated judicial branch of government.
The Board for Judicial Administration (BJA) provides policy review and program leadership for the courts at large, including recommending rules to the Supreme Court that improve our state's judicial branch of government.
The Court Education Committee (CEC) is a standing committee of the BJA and assists the Supreme Court and the BJA in developing educational policies and standards for the court system. The CEC provides budget and appropriation support, monitors educational programs' quality, coordinates in-state and out-of-state educational programs and services, recommends changes in policies and standards, and approves guidelines for accrediting training programs.
The designee is the court administrator or equivalent employee designated by the presiding judge.
The responsibilities of the CEC will be to:
During their three-year reporting cycle, each designee must complete 15 hours of CAE credits, 2 of which are in the area of ethics, and 1.5 are in the area of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
Credit is calculated based on one credit for every 60 minutes of actual subject presentation/participation, not including introductions, overviews, and closing remarks.
Attendance at any education program sponsored by the following shall be presumed to meet standards and be accredited:
Attendance at any education program sponsored by the following shall be presumed to meet standards and be accredited:
For all other Continuing Professional Education Programs, please submit form Judith M. Anderson to for possible credit.
Courses will be approved based on their content. An approved course shall have significant intellectual or practical content relating to the duties of the designee.
The following activities will not qualify for CAE credit:
A designee may appeal to the CEC's denial of program/course accreditation. The appeal should be in the form of a letter addressed to the Chair of the BJA that outlines the basis for the designee's request. The BJA Chair shall notify the designee in writing of its decision to sustain or overrule the decision of the CEC.
It is the responsibility of the Washington State judicial branch sponsors of a district and municipal court administrator's education program to report designee attendance and credits for all approved CAE courses to the AOC.
Absent exigent circumstances, sponsors and individual designees must report attendance within 30 days after completion of a CAE activity.
In August each year, the AOC will send out a reminder of the end-of-the-year reporting requirement via district and municipal court administrator listservs. By December 31, the AOC will provide a progress report to every designee of the programs they have attended during the previous calendar year. After reviewing that progress report, designees must either:
Based on the official record, the AOC will report the non-compliant to the CEC and the presiding judge of the appropriate court of limited jurisdiction.
Three-year reporting periods are as follows:
The three-year reporting period for each new designee begins on January 1 or is closest to their appointment.
Failure to comply with this rule's requirements may violate the Code of Judicial Conduct.
The CEC on October 14, 2022 approved these standards by Washington Supreme Court in Court Order NO. 25700-A-1450.
Comments or suggestions regarding the standards or revisions can be sent to the Court Education Services unit supervisor at the AOC or the Chair of the CEC.
Wash. R. Ct. Lim. Juri. ARLJ 14 Standards