Rule LPORPC 1.3 - COMMUNICATION WITH CLIENTS(a) Upon reasonable request, an LPO shall promptly provide relevant information to the clients regarding the documents selected, prepared, and completed for the transaction.(b) An LPO shall timely notify its clients of omissions or discrepancies in the documentation provided to the LPO which must be resolved before the LPO can provide LPO services in the transaction.(c) An LPO must inform a client to seek legal advice from a lawyer if the LPO is reliably informed or, based on contact with the client reasonably believes, that the client does not understand or appreciate the meaning or effect of an instrument prepared by the LPO for signature by the client.Wash. Admi. And. Prac. R. LPORPC 1.3
The performance of LPO services occasionally may require direct communication with multiple clients in a transaction. Proper focus for LPO communication with clients is not as an advocate or advisor, but as necessary to clear up documentary discrepancies and insure that there is an adequate written agreement for the LPO to select, prepare and complete the documentation for the transaction.
See also Rules 1.2, Diligence; 1.6, Declining Services, infra.