The Application section establishes when the various Rules apply to a judge or judicial candidate.
Vt. Admin. Ord. Of. Sup. Ct., Administrative Order No. 10, APPLICATION
[1] The Rules in this Code have been formulated to address the ethical obligations of any person who serves as a judge as that term is broadly defined the Terminology Section and are premised upon the supposition that a uniform system of ethical principles should apply to all those authorized to perform judicial functions.
[2] When a person who has been a continuing part-time judge as defined in the Terminology Section is no longer a continuing part-time judge, that person may act as a lawyer in a proceeding in which he or she has served as a judge or in any other proceeding related thereto only with the informed consent of all parties, and pursuant to Rule 1.12 of the Vermont Rule of Professional Conduct.
[3] If serving as a fiduciary when selected as judge, a new judge may, notwithstanding the prohibitions in Rule 3.8, continue to serve as fiduciary, but only for that period of time necessary to avoid serious adverse consequences to the beneficiaries of the fiduciary relationship and in any event must comply as soon as reasonably possible. Similarly, if engaged at the time of judicial selection in a business activity, a new judge may, notwithstanding the prohibitions in Rule 3.11, continue in that activity for a reasonable period.
Reporter's Notes
For clarity, the Application section, following the format of ABA Code 2007, is placed at the beginning, rather than the end, of the Code. It incorporates the amendment of Application section B(1)(b) of Vermont Code 1994 adopted in 2017, effective February 1, 2019.
The Application section is a simplified version of that in the ABA Code, reflecting Vermont law by recognizing only three categories of judges: "Judge," "Continuing Part-time Judge," and "Periodic Part-time Judge." Those categories are defined in the Terminology section, as in Vermont Code 1994, as amended in 2000 and 2011, rather than in the Application section as in the ABA Code. The category "periodic part-time judge" includes those individuals included as pro tempore part-time judges in ABA Code 2007, Application Section V. Application section D and Comment of Vermont Code 2019 require termination of fiduciary or business activities by a newly appointed judge as soon as reasonably possible after appointment. The provision does not include the limitation of that period to one year imposed in ABA Code 2007, but that one-year limit should provide guidance in defining "reasonable" in the Vermont Code provision.
Reporter's Notes-2020 Amendment
The Application section is amended to exempt periodic part-time judges from Rule 3.15, which requires judges to submit a public annual income report. Because periodic part-time judges serve only sporadically, an annual report is both unnecessary and overly onerous. The emergency amendment takes effect immediately so that periodic part-time judges will not be required to submit an income report for the 2019 calendar year.