As amended through December 16, 2024
Section 5 - Compensation for Assigned Counsel and Reimbursement for Expenses(a) Compensation for services of counsel assigned by court shall be based on the same hourly rate provided for assigned counsel in criminal cases. Total compensation shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). (b) Expenses for services provided the client by persons other than assigned counsel, such as expert witnesses, shall be paid directly to the provider only when assigned counsel has obtained prior approval, in writing, for such service from the trial court judge. (c) An attorney assigned by the court shall keep a record of the hours spent, both in and out of court, while working on the assigned case. At the conclusion of the proceedings, the attorney shall submit a claim for compensation to the trial court. (d) The trial court judge may, in extraordinary circumstances, allow: (1) partial payment for compensation and other expenses necessary to proper representation; or (2) payment of compensation to assigned counsel in excess of the limits prescribed in § 5(a) above. Written applications for excess compensation must be presented before excess charges are incurred or payment shall be deemed to have been waived.
(e) All claims for compensation and reimbursement for expenses incurred as assigned counsel shall be submitted not later than three months from the conclusion of the case to the concerned court or payment shall be refused. Vt. Admin. Ord. Of. Sup. Ct. 5
Adopted Dec. 18, 1991, eff. 3/2/1992; amended June 29, 1995, eff. 7/1/1995.