Utah Sup. Ct. R. Prof. Prac. 14-106

As amended through December 18, 2024
Rule 14-106 - Authority to engage in legislative activities

Pursuant to Article VIII,Section 4 of the Utah Constitution, the Supreme Court hereby authorizes anddirects the Board to engage in legislative activities.

(a) The Board is authorized anddirected to study and provide assistance on public policy issues and to adoptpositions on behalf of the Board on public policy issues. The Board isauthorized to review and analyze pending legislation, to provide technicalassistance to the Utah Legislature, the Governor of Utah, the Utah JudicialCouncil and other public bodies upon request, and to adopt a position insupport of or in opposition to a policy initiative, to adopt no position on apolicy initiative, or to remain silent on a policy initiative. The position ofthe Board shall not be construed as the position of the Court or binding on theCourt in any way.
(a)(1) The Board'sconsideration of public policy issues shall be limited to those issuesconcerning the courts of Utah, procedure and evidence in the courts, theadministration of justice, the practice of law, and matters of substantive lawon which the collective expertise of lawyers has special relevance and/or whichmay affect an individual's ability to access legal services or the legal system.
(a)(2) Public policy issues maybe submitted to the Board for consideration in accordance with writtenprocedures established by the Board.
(a)(3) The adoption of a Boardposition shall be in accordance with written procedures established by theBoard.
(a)(4) The Board shall prepareand maintain a written record of the Board's positions on public policy issuesand shall ensure reasonable notice and distribution to the members of the Bar and to Licensed Paralegal Practitioners.
(b) Governmental RelationsCommittee. The Board may establish a Governmental Relations Committee to assistin carrying out its responsibilities as set forth above. The committee'smembership and procedures shall encourage broad participation and input andcompliance with this policy.
(c) Legislative budget, rebates. At the end of the Utah general legislative session each year, the Board shall calculate all reasonable administrative expenses attributable to the Bar's legislative activities for the preceding 12 month period, identify each member's Licensed Paralegal Practitioner's prorata portion of the amount of license fees for the preceding 12 month period spent for legislative activities and establish afair and equitable rebate procedure of that amount for Bar members Licensed Paralegal Practitioners who objectto any legislative position taken by the Board.

Utah. Sup. Ct. R. Prof. Prac. 14-106

Amended effective 5/1/2019.