As amended through December 18, 2024
Rule 11-618 - Remote group CLE(a) Remote Group CLE is one method by which an attorney or licensed paralegal practitioner may obtain Verified CLE.(b) Remote Group CLE must: (1) be presented from a location in Utah via a live streaming audio-visual presentation to a remote location or remote locations in Utah, approved by the Board, where the lawyer or licensed paralegal practitioner is present;(2) allow attendees to ask, and receive answers to, questions during the CLE presentation via voice or an electronic method; and(3) be sponsored or cosponsored by the Bar. (c) A person who applies for approval of a remote location must: (1) ensure that the location is large enough to allow at least ten lawyers or licensed paralegal practitioners to attend at the remote location and to accommodate more lawyers or licensed paralegal practitioners than the number that will attend from the same firm or office;(2) ensure that the remote location is open to any member of the Bar who wishes to attend at the remote location, subject to maximum occupancy requirements; and(3) within five days after the day of the Remote CLE, provide the Bar with a list 16 containing the names and Bar numbers of each attorney and each licensed paralegal practitioner who attended the CLE at the remote location.(d) Remote location approval for Remote Group CLE occurs as follows: (1) The Bar will post notice of the Remote Group CLE on the Bar's website at least 30 days before the day of the CLE, including in the notice the process and deadline to apply for approval of a remote location.(2) No later than seven days before the day of the CLE, a person may apply to the Bar's CLE Department for approval of a remote location.(3) The application for approval of a remote location must include: the title of the CLE; the address of the remote location; a description of the remote location, including the maximum occupancy of the remote location; a description of the equipment that will be used at the remote location to comply with the communication requirements; the name and contact information of a person who will be available during presentation of the CLE to resolve any technical issues relating to communication and communication equipment at the remote location; subject to maximum occupancy requirements, a statement that any member of the Bar is able to attend the CLE at the remote location at no cost other than the cost imposed by the CLE provider for the CLE; and any other information required by the Board.(4) Upon approval by the Bar of the remote location, the Bar will post notice of the remote location on the Bar's website.Utah. Sup. Ct. R. Prof'l. Prac. 11-618
Renumbered March 29, 2024 effective 5/1/2024; amended August 14, 2024, effective 11/1/2024.