Utah Code Jud. Admin. 2-103

As amended through December 18, 2024
Rule 2-103 - Open and closed meetings


To establish the Council's responsibility for providing public notice of its meetings and to ensure the opportunity for public attendance at Council meetings.

To establish procedures consistent with the philosophy of the Utah Open and Public MeetingsAct.

To provide the Council with sufficient flexibility to close meetings when discussing matters of a sensitive nature.


This rule shall apply to all meetings of theCouncil.

Statement of the Rule:

(1) Definitions. As used in this rule, "meeting" means the gathering of a quorum of the Council, whether in person or by means of electronic communication, for the purpose of discussing or acting upon any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction, but does not include a chance or social meeting of Council members.
(2) Public notice of meetings.
(2)(A) After the Council has set its annual meeting schedule, the administrative office of the courts shall publish on the court's website and on the Utah Public Notice Website the date, time and place of the meetings. At least 24 hours before each meeting, the administrative office of the courts shall post on the websites the meeting agenda. The administrative office of the courts shall notify a media agency of the postings by email upon request for routine notice. The Council may address a matter not on the meeting agenda but will take no final action on the matter.
(2)(B) When, due to unforeseen circumstances, it is necessary for the Council to consider matters of an urgent nature, the requirement of public notice may be suspended and the best notice practicable given. No such meeting of the Council shall be held unless:
(2)(B)(i) an attempt has been made to notify all members;
(2)(B)(ii) at least a quorum is present; and
(2)(B)(iii) amajority of those present vote to hold the meeting.
(3) Open meetings. Meetings of the Councilare open to the public unless closed as provided in this rule.
(4) Reasons for closed meetings.

A closed meeting of the Council may be heldfor discussions regarding any of the following:

(4)(A) the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual;
(4)(B) collective bargaining or litigation;
(4)(C) legal advice of counsel;
(4)(D) the purchase, exchange or lease ofreal property if public discussion of the transaction would disclose the appraisal or estimated value of the property under consideration or prevent theCouncil from completing the transaction on the best possible terms;
(4)(E) the sale of real property if:
(4)(E)(i) public discussion of the transaction would disclose the appraisal or estimated value of the property under consideration or prevent the Council from completing the transaction on the best possible terms;
(4)(E)(ii) the Council has previously given public notice that the property would be offered for sale; and
(4)(E)(iii) the terms of the sale are publicly disclosed before the Council approves the sale;
(4)(F) deployment of security personnel or devices;
(4)(G) allegationsof criminal misconduct; or
(4)(H) consideration of a private, protected, sealed, juvenile court social, juvenile court legal, or safeguarded record as defined in Rule 4-202.02.
(5) Procedure for closing a meeting.
(5)(A) A closed meeting may be held only upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present at an open meeting for which public notice is given, provided a quorum is present.
(5)(B) The recording and minutes other wise required by Rule 2-104 shall not be made if a meeting is closed to discuss the character, competence, or physical or mental health of an individual or to discuss the deployment of security personnel or devices. The presiding officer shall sign a sworn statement, which is a public record, affirming that the sole purpose for closing the meeting is to discuss the character, competence, or physical or mental health of an individual or the deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems.
(6) Limit on actions at a closed meeting. Nocontract, appointment, rule, or resolution may be approved at a closed meeting.A contract, appointment, rule, or resolution approved at an open meeting may be based upon discussions had at a closed meeting.
(7) Limit on discussions outside of closed meeting. No one who attends a closed meeting may disclose information discussedor materials distributed outside of the closed meeting except with:
(7)(A) others who participated in the closed meeting, and
(7)(B) a member of the Judicial Council.
(8) Right of removal. All or any part of anopen meeting may be recorded by any person in attendance, provided there cording does not interfere with the conduct of the meeting. The Council may order the removal of any person who disrupts a meeting.
(9) Training. The administrative office of the courts shall annually train the members of the Council on the requirements of this rule and of Rule 2-104.

Utah Code Jud. Admin. 2-103

Amended effective 4/1/2011;5/14/2013; amended effective 11/1/2021; amended March 11, 2022, effective 5/1/2022.