Utah Code Jud. Admin. 1-204

As amended through December 18, 2024
Rule 1-204 - Executive committees


To establish executive committees of the Council.

To identify the responsibility and authority of the executive committees.

To identify the membership and composition of the executive committees.

To establish procedures for executive committee meetings.


This rule shall apply to the judiciary.

Statement of the Rule:

(1)Executive Committees. The following executive committees of the Council are hereby established:
(a) the Management Committee;
(b) the Policy, Planning, and Technology Committee;
(c) the Liaison Committee; and
(d) the Budget and Fiscal Management Committee.
(2)Management Committee. The Management Committee shall be comprised of at least four Council members, one of whom shall be the Presiding Officer of the Council. Three Committee members constitute a quorum. The Presiding Officer of the Council or Presiding Officer's designee shall serve as the Chair. When at least three members concur, the Management Committee is authorized to act on behalf of the entire Council when the Council is not in session and to act on any matter specifically delegated to the Management Committee by the Council. The Management Committee is responsible for managing the agenda of the Council consistently with Rule 2-102 of this Code. The Management Committee is responsible for deciding procurement protest appeals.
(3)Policy, Planning, and Technology Committee. The Policy, Planning, and Technology Committee shall recommend to the Council new and amended rules for the Code of Judicial Administration, new and amended policies for the Human Resource Policies and Procedures Manual, pursuant to Rule 3-402, and new or amended technology policies and priorities. The committee shall recommend to the Council periodic and long term planning efforts as necessary for the efficient administration of justice, and shall research and make recommendations regarding any matter referred by the Council.
(3)(A)Technology Core Teams. Each court level shall establish a Technology Core Team to review and prioritize requests impacting technology associated with court level applications. Core Teams should include representatives from each judicial district, where applicable, and may consist of a combination of the following positions:
(3)(A)(i)Appellate Court Core Team:
(3)(A)(i)(a) Appellate Court Administrator;
(3)(A)(i)(b) Clerk of Court;
(3)(A)(i)(c) appellate court judge;
(3)(A)(i)(d) Appellate Court Coordinator;
(3)(A)(i)(e) IT staff; and
(3)(A)(i)(f) Judicial Data and Research Staff.
(3)(A)(ii) District/Justice Court Core Team:
(3)(A)(ii)(a) District Court Administrator or designee(s);
(3)(A)(ii)(b) Justice Court Administrator or designee(s);
(3)(A)(ii)(c) Clerk of Court;
(3)(A)(ii)(d) Trial Court Executive;
(3)(A)(ii)(e) district court judge;
(3)(A)(ii)(f) justice court judge;
(3)(A)(ii)(g) Team Manager;
(3)(A)(ii)(h) Case Manager;
(3)(A)(ii)(i) Judicial Assistant;
(3)(A)(ii)(j) Training Coordinator;
(3)(A)(ii)(k) IT staff;
(3)(A)(ii)(l) Judicial Data and Research staff; and
(3)(A)(ii)(m) local justice court administrator.
(3)(A)(iii) Juvenile Court Core Team:
(3)(A)(iii)(a) Juvenile Court Administrator or designee(s);
(3)(A)(iii)(b) Clerk of Court;
(3)(A)(iii)(c) Trial Court Executive;
(3)(A)(iii)(d) Chief Probation Officer;
(3)(A)(iii)(e) Probation Supervisor;
(3)(A)(iii)(f) Probation Officer;
(3)(A)(iii)(g) Team Manager;
(3)(A)(iii)(h) Case Manager;
(3)(A)(iii)(i) Judicial Assistant;
(3)(A)(iii)(j) Training Coordinator;
(3)(A)(iii)(k) juvenile court judge;
(3)(A)(iii)(l) IT staff; and
(3)(A)(iii)(m) Judicial Data and Research staff.
(3)(B)Technology Prioritization Subcommittee. A Technology Prioritization Subcommittee is hereby established. Members shall be designated by each Core Team and shall consist of no more than two members from each Team. Each Core Team may submit technology requests associated with court level applications to the Technology Prioritization Subcommittee. The prioritization subcommittee shall come to an agreement on the percentage of work allotted for each court level. The percentage relates to development staff compensated by general funds. Technology requests from Core Teams should fall within the work allotted to that court level for that year, unless the work requested is required by legislative or rule changes. The prioritization subcommittee may review and consider exceptions to this standard. The prioritization subcommittee will make recommendations to the Policy, Planning, and Technology Committee.
(3)(C)Technology Advisory Subcommittee. A Technology Advisory Subcommittee is hereby established. The advisory subcommittee shall be available to the Chief Information Officer, Core Teams, Technology Prioritization Subcommittee, and the Policy, Planning, and Technology Committee to provide feedback and recommendations on statewide technology services, including but not limited to, device standards, email, and bandwidth. The advisory subcommittee shall consist of:
(3)(C)(i) one district court judge;
(3)(C)(ii) one juvenile court judge;
(3)(C)(iii) one appellate court judge;
(3)(C)(iv) one justice court judge;
(3)(C)(v) one district court Trial Court Executive
(3)(C)(vi) one juvenile court Trial Court Executive;
(3)(C)(vii) one district court Clerk of Court;
(3)(C)(viii) one juvenile court Clerk of Court;
(3)(C)(ix) one local justice court administrator;
(3)(C)(x) each court level administrator or their designee(s);
(3)(C)(xi) one Chief Probation Officer;
(3)(C)(xii) the Chief Information Officer or designee;
(3)(C)(xiii) the Court Security Director; and
(3)(C)(xiv) the General Counsel or designee.
(4)Liaison Committee. The Liaison Committee shall recommend to the Council legislation to be sponsored by the Council. The committee shall review legislation affecting the authority, jurisdiction, organization or administration of the judiciary. When the exigencies of the legislative process preclude full discussion of the issues by the Council, the Committee may endorse or oppose the legislation, take no position or offer amendments on behalf of the Council.
(5)Budget and Fiscal Management Committee. The Budget and Fiscal Management Committee shall review court budget proposals, recommend fiscal priorities and the allocation of funds, and make recommendations to the Council regarding budget management and budget development in accordance with Rule 3-406.
(6)Members. Members of the executive committees must be members of the Council. Each executive committee shall consist of at least three members appointed by the Council to serve at its pleasure. The members of the Policy, Planning, and Technology Committee and the Liaison Committee, the Budget and Fiscal Management Committee, shall elect their respective chairs on a schedule deemed appropriate by each Committee. Chairs must be members of the Council.
(7)Meetings and Judicial Council Reports. Each committee shall meet as often as necessary to perform its responsibilities, but a minimum of four times per year. Each committee shall report to the Council as necessary.
(8)Staff. The Administrative Office shall provide staff support to the executive committees.

Utah Code Jud. Admin. 1-204

Amended effective 11/19/2012; amended effective 9/1/2019; amended effective 5/1/2020; amended effective 11/1/2021; amended May 31, 2022, effective 5/23/2022; amended effective 1/1/2023; amended September 3, 2024, effective 11/1/2024.