Travis Cnty. L. R. Proc. & Decorum 4.4

As amended through December 17, 2024
Rule 4.4 - Attorneys
(a) Attorneys should observe the letter and spirit of their professional code of ethics a, including those dealing with discussion of cases with representatives of the media and those concerning improper ex parte communications with the Judge. Attorneys must wear professional and appropriate attire.
(b) Attorneys should advise their clients and witnesses of Local Rules of Decorum that may be applicable, including courtroom attire.
(c) All objections, arguments, and other comments by counsel shall be directed to the Judge or jury and not to opposing counsel.
(d) While another attorney is addressing the Judge or jury, an attorney should not stand for any purpose except to claim the right to interrupt the attorney who is speaking.
(e) Attorneys should not approach the bench without leave of court and must never lean on the bench.
(f) Attorneys shall remain seated at the counsel tables at all times except:
(1) when the Judge enters and leaves;
(2) when addressing the Judge or jury; and
(3) whenever it may be proper to handle documents, exhibits, or other evidence (leave of court is not required.)
(g) Attorneys should anticipate any need to move furniture, appliances, or easels, and should make advance arrangements with the bailiff. Tables should not be moved during court sessions.

Travis Cnty. L. R. Proc. & Decorum 4.4

Amended 10/15/2022.