As amended through December 17, 2024
Article VII - MEETINGS OF THE STATE BAR OF TEXASSection 1.Annual MeetingThe annual meeting of the State Bar shall be held during the month of June or July of each year at a time and place to be determined by the board.
Section 2.Special MeetingsA. Special meetings of the State Bar shall be called by the president upon two thirds (2/3) vote of the directors, or upon written petition of at least five hundred (500) members of the State Bar.B. The time and place of such meeting shall be in accordance with the call.C. Prior to any special meeting, the executive director shall mail to each member in good standing a notice of the time and place of the meeting and purposes for which the meeting is to be held. The notices shall be mailed sufficiently in advance of such meeting date so as to afford reasonable notice of the meeting.Section 3.Procedure as to Proposed ResolutionsThe board shall adopt a procedure by which resolutions may be proposed for adoption by the State Bar and for their review as to form in advance of presentation to the general assembly at the annual meeting. A brief resume of this procedure shall be published in the Texas Bar Journal prior to the annual meeting.
Tex. St. Bar R., art. VII