Rule 2.1.6 - State and County Regulations Relating to Highway Beautification and Metal RecyclersAll citations, complaints, and affidavits presented for the prosecution of offenses related to state and county regulations that relate to Highway Beautification under Title 6, Subtitle H, Texas Transportation Code, including:
(a) Highway Beautification on Interstate and Primary Systems and Certain Roads (Tex. Transp. Code, Chapter 391),(b) Highway Beautification on State Highway Right-of-Way (Tex. Transp. Code, Chapter 392), (c) Outdoor Signs on Public Rights-of-Way (Tex. Transp. Code, Chapter 393)(d) Regulation of Outdoor Signs on Rural Roads (Tex. Transp. Code, Chapter 394),(e) Outdoor Signs and Motorist Information Panels on Toll Roads in Certain Counties (Tex. Transp. Code, Chapter 395),(f) Automobile Wrecking and Salvage Yards (Tex. Transp. Code, Chapter 396),(g) Automobile Wrecking and Salvage Yards in Certain Counties (Tex. Transp. Code, Chapter 397), and, regulations under the Texas Occupations Code, that relate to salvage yards, and recycling entities, including: (h) Motor Vehicle Salvage Yards in Certain Counties (Tex. Occ. Code, Chapter 2302, Subchapter G),(i) Used Automotive Parts Recyclers (Tex. Occ. Code, Chapter 2309), and(j) Metal Recycling Entities (Tex. Occ. Code, Chapter 1956) shall be prosecuted in a Justice Court in Precinct 2 or Precinct 6. In the event that such citations, complaints, and affidavits are presented for prosecution in any other Justice Court, that Justice of the Peace shall immediately forward such citations, complaints, and affidavits to a Justice Court in Precinct 2 or Precinct 6 for prosecution.
Harris Cnty. L. R. Just. Peace Ct. 2.1.6
Adopted 11/10/2009; Amended 11/6/2013; Amended 11/12/2014; Amended 11/9/2021