Tenn. R. Sup. Ct., 17.02

As amended through January 7, 2025
Section 17.02 - Functions of the Board in Review and Regulation of Tennessee-Approved Law Schools
(a) For any Tennessee-Approved Law School as defined in section 17.01:
(1) the Board shall determine whether the law school is effectively achieving its mission and objectives, which includes meeting educational standards similar to those defined in the ABA Standards and any standards adopted by this Board. Upon determination by the Board that the law school has met the required standards, the Board shall recommend provisional or continued approval of the law school to the Supreme Court;
(2) the Board is authorized to make inquiry to the school and respond to inquiry by the school and to adopt such additional standards as in its judgment the educational needs of the school may justify, subject to the Supreme Court's approval;
(3) if the Board has reasonable cause to believe that a law school does not comply with the standards in section 17.02(a)(1) of this Rule, and/or the school is not effectively achieving its mission and objectives, it shall inform the school of its apparent noncompliance or failure to effectively achieve its mission or objectives and follow the procedures in sections 17.03 through 17.10 of this Rule; and
(4) the Board is authorized to:
(A) require a school to furnish such information, including periodic reports, as it deems reasonably appropriate for carrying out the Board's responsibilities; and
(B) investigate a law school in accordance with section 17.03 of this Rule, provided that such investigation shall be confidential to ensure a frank, candid exchange of information and evaluation.
(b) Self-Study.
(1) The dean and faculty of a Tennessee-Approved Law School shall develop and periodically revise a written self-study, including an evaluation of the following topics:
(A) the continuing relevance of the school's mission or objectives;
(B) the effectiveness of the program of legal education;
(C) the appropriateness of the school's admission policies;
(D) the significance of the trend in rates of graduation and attrition;
(E) the significance of the trends in the pass/fail rate on the bar examination;
(F) the strengths and weaknesses of the school's policies;
(G) goals to improve the educational program; and
(H) means to accomplish unrealized goals.
(2) The self-study shall be completed every seven years or earlier upon written request of the Board.
(3) Certification of Compliance. The dean and the chairperson of the board of directors of the law school shall certify annually in writing to the Board that the school is effectively achieving its mission and objectives or, if not effectively achieving its mission or objectives, identify areas of noncompliance or other deficiencies, as well as its intention and plan of action to attain compliance.
(c) Investigation and Evaluation by the Board. The Board may visit, investigate, and/or evaluate a Tennessee-Approved Law School, from time to time, with respect to the adequacy of its facilities, faculty, and course of study. The refusal of any such school to cooperate or participate in the conduct of such evaluation shall be reported to the Supreme Court, which may, after hearing, take such actions as the facts may justify.

Tenn. R. Sup. Ct., 17.02

Adopted by Order filed and effective 3/29/2019; amended by Order filed and effective 4/26/2019; and as amended by order filed and effective 10/31/2023.