Tenn. R. Sup. Ct., 12.11

As amended through January 7, 2025
Section 12.11 - Confidentiality of Board Records and Files
(a) Records, statements of opinion, and other information regarding an applicant for admission to the bar communicated by any entity including any person, firm, or institution to the Board or their members, employees, or agents, applications for admission, examination papers and grades, and all investigative records of the Board, including, but not limited to, correspondence and/or electronic transmissions to and from the Board, its members and staff, minutes of Board meetings and its deliberations and all documents, communications and proceedings prepared in connection with evaluations or investigations of law schools under sections 17.01, 17.02, 17.03, 17.04, 17.05, 17.06, 17.07, and 17.10 of this Rule, whether in paper or electronic form, shall be confidential and shall not be open to inspection without written application to and authorization by an appropriate order of the Supreme Court. For examination applicants who are unsuccessful on an examination, the Board is permitted to release to the applicant answers to the performance test and essay questions for that examination. The Board shall specify the process for obtaining the answers in the Board Policies and Procedures.
(b) The Board is authorized to release information that would otherwise be confidential to disciplinary or law enforcement agencies of any jurisdiction, the Tennessee Lawyer Assistance Program, and to the Board of Professional Responsibility upon written request. The Board may release information that is otherwise confidential as follows:
(1) to the National Conference of Bar Examiners and to the bar admissions authority of any jurisdiction in the United States where the applicant has made a written request, provided a signed and notarized authorization and release, and the receiving authority has agreed not to give the information to the applicant; and
(2) to any other party upon written application to and authorization by an order of the Tennessee Supreme Court.
(c) Statistical information not identified with any particular applicant and information relating to whether and when an applicant has been admitted may be released to any person.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions above, completion of an Application to the Bar of Tennessee constitutes Applicant's permission allowing the Board to release Applicant's name, address and email address to Bar and professional legal associations in Tennessee, as approved by the Board, and, for applications for admission by examination, Applicant's name and exam result to the law school from which Applicant graduated.

Tenn. R. Sup. Ct., 12.11

Amended by Order filed and effective 3/29/2019; amended by Order filed and effective 4/26/2019; and as amended by order filed and effective 10/31/2023.