As amended through January 7, 2025
Section 1.07 - Tennessee Law CourseThe Tennessee Law Course is intended to provide instruction in specific areas of Tennessee law not addressed by the Uniform Bar Exam.
(a) The following applicants to the bar of Tennessee must successfully complete the Tennessee law course before an applicant is eligible for admission to the Tennessee bar : (1) Section 3.01, Admission by Examination, (2) Section 3.05, Admission by Transferred Uniform Bar Examination Score, (3) Section 5.01, Admission Without Examination, or (4) Section 10.06, Temporary License of Spouse of Military Service member. (b) The Supreme Court shall determine the content of the Tennessee Law Course. (c) The Board shall administer the Tennessee Law Course. (d) The fee for the Tennessee Law Course shall be included in the Schedule of Fees promulgated by the Board of Law Examiners under section 11.01 of this Rule . The fee is in addition to fees charged for the application for admission to practice law. Applicants must pay the fee to the Board before receiving access to the Tennessee Law Course. (e) The Tennessee Law Course shall be a digital-exclusive course that shall be reasonably accessible to applicants . The applicant shall ensure the adequacy of the applicant's hardware, software, and internet connection. (f) The Board shall provide applicants with instructions regarding access to the Tennessee Law Course as follows: (1) Applicants seeking admission under section 3.01 (by examination) shall receive instructions upon completion of the bar examination. (2) Applicants seeking admission under section 3.05 (transferred UBE score), section 5.01 (without examination) or section 10.06 (spouse of military service member) will receive instructions upon receipt of the completed character and fitness investigation from the NCBE. (g) The Tennessee Law Course must be successfully completed within one year of the date that the applicant completes all other requirements to be eligible for a Tennessee law license. Any applicant who successfully completes the Tennessee Law Course but does not complete all other requirements for eligibility to obtain a law license within such one-year period must repeat the Tennessee Law Course before admission. (h) The Tennessee Law Course is not continuing legal education. No fee under Rule 21, section8.02 shall be imposed on the Board or any applicant. (i) No person holding a valid Tennessee license as of the effective date of this Rule shall be required to take the Tennessee Law Course. Amended by Order filed and effective 3/29/2019; amended by Order filed and effective 4/26/2019; and as amended by order filed and effective 10/31/2023.