Tenn. R. Sup. Ct., 2

As amended through January 7, 2025
Section 2 - Definitions
(1) State Certified Court Interpreter - an interpreter who possesses the qualifications outlined in Section 5(b) of this rule.
(2) State Registered Court Interpreter - an interpreter who possesses the qualifications outlined in Section 5(a) of this rule.
(3) Interpretation - the unrehearsed transmission of a spoken message from one language to another.
(4) Limited English Proficient ( "LEP" ) Person - a participant in a legal proceeding who has limited ability to speak or understand the English language.
(5) Non-Credentialed Interpreter - a court interpreter who is not certified or registered as provided in this rule.
(6) Participant - a party, witness, or other person in a legal proceeding.
(7) Sight Translation - oral translation of a written text.
(8) Written Translation - the rendering of a written document from one language into a written document in another language.
(9) Audio or Video Transcription and Translation - written transcription of the entire verbal content and translation of the non-English verbal content of an audio or video recording.
(10) Court Proceedings - any hearing, trial, or other appearance before any Tennessee general sessions court, or municipal court exercising general sessions jurisdiction, or any juvenile, probate, circuit, chancery, criminal, or appellate court, in an action, appeal, or other proceeding, including any matter conducted by a judicial magistrate.
(11) Indigent Party - a party found by a court to be indigent pursuant to the provisions of Tennessee Code Annotated section 40 - 14-202 or other applicable statute, which finding shall be evidenced by a court order.

Tenn. R. Sup. Ct., 2