Section 1 - Recusal -Replacement(a) Hearing Panel. If a member of the Court is recused from the hearing of any matter and the Court deems it necessary that a replacement be designated then the presiding judge shall designate a temporary replacement by an order signed by a majority of the members of the hearing panel for the matter. In making such temporary designation, due regard will be given to the status of the recusing member to the end that the contemplated composition and balance of the hearing panel for the matter be maintained.(b) Investigative Panel. If a member of an investigative panel is recused from the hearing of any matter, then the presiding judge shall designate a temporary replacement by an order signed by the presiding judge. In making such temporary designation, due regard will be given to the status of the recusing member to the end that the contemplated composition and balance of the investigative panel for the matter be maintained.Tennessee Court of the Judiciary Rules 1