R.i. Sup. Ct. R. canon 13

As amended through June 7, 2024
Canon 13 - Evaluation of program

A Media Advisory Board to the Chief Justice (consisting of the Chief Justice, the Associate Justices of this court, the Presiding Justice of the Superior Court, the Chief Judge of the Family Court, the Chief Judge of the District Court, the Chief Judge of the Workers' Compensation Court and the Chief Magistrate of the Traffic Tribunal) will continue to evaluate the effects of media access to judicial proceedings. To this end the Advisory Board, directly or through its agents retained for this purpose, may submit to trial judges, parties, witnesses, jurors, and other participants in trial proceedings questionnaires to be completed, or may cause such individuals to be interviewed as part of the evaluation process. All trial justices, parties, witnesses, jurors, and other participants in trial proceedings are expected to cooperate fully with the Advisory Board to the Chief Justice, or its agents, in this evaluation process and the furnishing of all relevant information in implementation thereof.

R.i. Sup. Ct. R. canon 13

Revised 9/1/2023.