R.I. Dist. R. Crim. P. 23

As amended through June 7, 2024
Rule 23 - Trial by jury or by the court

A defendant who is charged with an offense which is punishable by imprisonment for a term of more than six (6) months shall be advised by the Court, at the time of the defendant's initial appearance, that the defendant has a right to trial by jury in the first instance, but in the event the defendant chooses to waive that right and to stand trial in the District Court without a jury and is found guilty the defendant is entitled to appeal that judgment to the Superior Court where the defendant will receive a trial de novo before a jury. The defendant shall also be informed that if within ten (10) days of the date of his or her arraignment the defendant does not file a written waiver of his or her right to a jury trial in the first instance, the proceedings shall be transferred to the Superior Court for trial in that court. If the defendant files such a waiver the case shall proceed in accordance with these rules. If the defendant does not file a waiver within ten (10) days of his or her initial appearance before the Court, or if the defendant is allowed, for good cause shown, to withdraw his or her waiver after said ten-day period, the clerk shall transmit the record in the case to the clerk of the Superior Court for the county in which the offense was committed.

R.I. Dist. R. Crim. P. 23