R.I. Dist. R. Crim. P. 43

As amended through June 7, 2024
Rule 43 - Presence of the defendant

The defendant shall be present at the arraignment and at the imposition of sentence, except as otherwise provided by statute or by these rules. The defendant shall be present at every stage of the trial, except that the defendant may be excluded from the proceedings if, after appropriate warning, the defendant persists in conducting himself or herself in a manner so disorderly, disruptive, and disrespectful of the court that the trial cannot be carried on with the defendant in the courtroom. The defendant's voluntary absence after the trial has been commenced in his or her presence shall not prevent continuing the trial to and including the decision of the court. A corporation may appear by counsel for all purposes. The defendant's presence is not required at a reduction of sentence under Rule 35.

R.I. Dist. R. Crim. P. 43