York Cnty. Pa. 4800

As amended through November 1, 2024
Rule 4800 - Court Interpreters
(A) The Court Administrator shall employ interpreters, or shall have interpreters readily available, upon reasonable notice, for parties and witnesses with limited English proficiency in judicial proceedings, pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. Sec. 4401, et seq.
(1) If the person with limited English proficiency is a principal party in interest in a judicial proceeding for a criminal matter, juvenile proceeding, or other matter in which the right to counsel applies to the individual needing an interpreter, then the payment of the cost of providing the interpreter shall be the responsibility of the County of York.
(2) If the person with limited English proficiency is compelled to appear as a witness in a judicial proceeding for a criminal matter, or a juvenile proceeding, then the payment of the cost of providing the interpreter shall be the responsibility of the County of York.
(3) In any other civil case or other proceeding, responsibility for payment of interpreter services is upon the party requesting the services. Final allocation of all or part of the cost of providing interpreter services shall be in the discretion of the presiding judicial officer unless the principal party in interest requesting the services is indigent. If the principal party in interest requesting the services is indigent, then some or all the cost of providing interpreter services shall be the responsibility of the County of York. The presiding judicial officer may order reimbursement to the County for its responsibilities under this section.
(B) The Court Administrator shall employ interpreters, or shall have interpreters readily available, upon reasonable notice, for parties and witnesses who may be deaf or hard of hearing, pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. Sec. 4431, et seq.
(1) Disposition of all or part of the cost of providing an interpreter appointed shall be in the discretion of the court that has jurisdiction over the judicial proceeding. In no event shall the cost of providing interpreter services be the responsibility of the person who is deaf or hard of hearing.
(2) If the principal party in interest is indigent, then the cost of providing interpreter services shall be the responsibility of the County of York. The presiding judicial officer may order reimbursement to the County for its responsibilities under this section.
(C) The party requesting interpreter services shall provide reasonable notice to the Court Administrator of the need for such services. Any party or witness may use an interpreter secured by that individual so long as the interpreter is on the approved list maintained by the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts or otherwise meets the requirements of 42 Pa.C.S. Sec. 4401et seq.

York Cnty. Pa. 4800

Amended effective through 4/1/2024.