As amended through November 1, 2024
Rule 205.2(a) - Form Of Pleadings, Papers And Affidavits(1) All pleadings, applications, documents and affidavits which are not expressly regulated as to form by Act of Assembly or are forms or documents routinely used or prepared by the courts or court-related agencies, shall conform to the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure.(i) The originals of all pleadings, applications, documents and affidavits, and any responses thereto, except forms preprinted by the Court, to be presented to and filed with the Court, shall be backed by and securely fastened to a plain sheet of colored paper or to a document backer, using binder clips. No original document shall be fastened with staples. (ii) The use of plastic strips is prohibited.(iii) The use of exhibit tabs is permitted but such tabs shall only be placed at the bottom of the page.(iv) Filings already of record may be referenced in any subsequent document to be filed, but shall not be attached to the original document to be filed. (v) Copies of any documents to be provided to the court and opposing parties shall have staples securely covered with no sharp or protruding edges of any kind.(vi) The first page of any document to be presented to and filed with the Court shall have a three inch margin at the top of the first page pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. No. 204.1, and each subsequent page shall have at least a two inch margin at the top of the page.(vii) Any application, and any answer thereto, which refers to a record of proceedings, shall specifically refer to the page number and if possible, the line numbers in the record which supports or contradicts the issue which is being addressed.(viii) Any application being presented to the Court ex parte, whether presented during a motions court session or outside of such session, shall state the following in the body of the application:(1) the reason why such matter is being presented ex parte;(2) that the applicant notified or attempted to notify all other parties of the presentment of the application and the results of the contact; and(3) the steps taken by the applicant to resolve the matter being presented to the Court.(2) Any document signed by a party for filing shall contain under the signature line the name, address, and telephone number of the party, and the facsimile number, (if consent is being given to receive service by facsimile) e-mail address (if contact by e-mail is desired), and Pennsylvania or other state bar identification number, if applicable. When listing the bar identification number, the state's postal abbreviation shall be used as a prefix (e.g. PA 12345; NY 246810).(3) Attachments such as exhibits, documentary evidence, and other matters extraneous to the consideration of applications requiring action by the Court are discouraged.Amended effective through 8/1/2023.