Pot. Cnty. Pa. L212.1

As amended through March 15, 2024
Rule L212.1 - Time For Completing Discovery - Civi
(a) The parties shall complete discovery within 210 days from the filing of the complaint. Discovery will not be permitted after the 210 day period except by order of court upon good cause shown.
(b) In those cases where it is apparent that extensive discovery will be required or when the pleadings have not closed within 80 days from the filing of the complaint, the court -upon Praecipe of any party - will hold a status conference to establish an alternative discovery timetable.
(c) If matters arise at any time during the discovery period or thereafter which counsel reasonably believes has or will prejudice their case or has or will cause counsel to fall out of compliance with this rule, counsel shall request a status conference.
(d) At any time, the court may, in its discretion, direct the parties to attend a status conference, modify the above timetable, refer the case to mediation, list a case for arbitration, direct a case be listed for trial, or otherwise intervene to expedite the litigation.
(e) If at any time the case is referred to mediation the above timetable shall be stayed pending the conclusion of the mediation.

Pot. Cnty. Pa. L212.1

Amended effective 4/18/2019.


It is the intention of this rule to have a case trial ready and listed for pre-trial conference within 12 months from the filing of the complaint. The time standards for general civil matters is: all nonjury cases should be tried or otherwise disposed of within 12 months/360 days after initial filing and all jury cases should be tried or otherwise disposed of within 18 months/540 days after initial filing. It is contemplated that there will be instances when a shorter or longer timetable will be indicated.