Petition for Change of Situs of Trust in Accordance with 20 Pa. C.S.A.§725

Current through March 1, 2017
Petition for Change of Situs of Trust in Accordance with 20 Pa. C.S.A.§725


Now,____________________ , 20_____ , upon consideration of the annexed Petition, it is hereby ORDERED and DECREED that the situs of the above Trust is transferred to Broward County, Florida, provided that a court of competent jurisdiction in that state enters an order accepting jurisdiction over the Trust.




The Petition of Sally Jones, individual Trustee and income beneficiary of the Residuary Trust under Will of Joseph B. Dunn, Deceased, respectfully states that:

1. Joseph B. Dunn died on March 5, 1986, leaving a Will dated July 22, 1980, a true and correct copy of which is attached as Exhibit "A."
2. By Item SIXTH of his Will, Testator directed that his residuary estate be held in trust and that the income be paid to his daughter, Sally Jones, for her lifetime, and upon her death, he further directed that the principal be paid to her then-living issue, per stirpes.
3. By Item NINTH of his Will, Testator appointed Sally Jones and Old Faithful Bank as Trustees of the residuary trust.
4. By Item TENTH of his Will, Testator gave Sally Jones the power to remove Old Faithful Bank as Trustee and appoint another bank to serve as Co-Trustee in its place.
5. Sally Jones has moved from Philadelphia to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. By a writing dated March 23, 2000, Sally Jones has removed Old Faithful Bank and appointed New South Bank as Trustee in its place; however, New South Bank is not authorized to act as a Trustee in Pennsylvania so its appointment is contingent upon the change of the situs of this Trust from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Broward County, Florida, the county in which Sally Jones resides and a state in which New South Bank is authorized to serve.
6.20 Pa. C.S.A. § 725 authorizes the Court having jurisdiction of a testamentary trust, on application of a Trustee or other interested party, to approve a change of situs of the trust if the Court finds the change necessary or desirable for the proper administration of the Trust. The life tenant of the Trust is a resident of Florida, and New South Bank has offices there and is authorized to serve as Trustee in Florida.
7. The First and Final Account of Sally Jones and Old Faithful Bank, Co-Trustees, has been filed for audit in this Court, which Account shows a balance of principal having an accounting value of $750,000 and a market value of $1,235,000 as of April 30, 2000.
8. The parties in interest, other than Sally Jones, are as follows:


Relationship to Testator


Sally Jones

121 Sunnyview Road

Fort Lauderdale FL 33312



beneficiary and


Jamal Jones

600 Ocean Drive

Apartment 2C

Miami Beach FL 33137

Grandson (Son of Sally Jones)

Contingent remainderman

Laura Jones

600 Ocean Drive

Miami Beach FL 33137

Granddaughter (Daughter of Sally Jones)

Contingent remainderman

9. All parties having an interest are living, of age and sui juris. Notice of intention to file this Petition was given to all parties by letter dated May 25, 2000, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit "B."
10. All Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax and Pennsylvania Estate Tax have been paid in full; Petitioner is not aware of any creditors of the Trust who would be prejudiced by the requested change of situs.
11. New South Bank has consented to serve as successor corporate Co-Trustee, contingent upon the Court's approval of the change of situs of the Trust requested by this Petition. A true and correct copy of its Acceptance is attached as Exhibit "C."

Wherefore, Petitioner respectfully requests that this Court discharge Old Faithful Bank for its administration of the Trust, approve the appointment of New South Bank as successor corporate Trustee and change the situs of the Trust to Broward County, Florida, contingent upon a court of competent jurisdiction in Broward County, Florida assuming jurisdiction over the Trust.

Sally Jones


New South Bank hereby accepts appointment as successor corporate Co-Trustee of the above-referenced Trust created under the Will of Joseph B. Dunn, Deceased dated July 22, 1980, conditioned upon the approval by the Orphans' Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County of the change of situs to Broward County, Florida and the acceptance by the Broward County, Florida Court of jurisdiction over the Trust.

New South Bank

Dated: By: