Petition for Adjudication of Capacity in Accordance with 20 Pa. C.S.A.§5517

Current through March 1, 2017
Petition for Adjudication of Capacity in Accordance with 20 Pa. C.S.A.§5517



Now, this _______ day of ______, 20____ , it is hereby ORDERED and DECREED that a hearing on the annexed Petition to find that Jane R. Dunn, previously adjudged incapacitated, is no longer incapacitated shall take place in Room______ , City Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on __________, 20_____ , at _____ ___ .m.

At least twenty days notice shall be given to all persons who are sui juris and would be entitled to share in the estate of Jane R. Dunn if she died intestate.



Now, this _____ day of _____ , 20 _____ , upon consideration of the annexed Petition and after hearing held following notice as directed by the Court, it is hereby ORDERED and DECREED that Jane R. Dunn, who was previously adjudged an incapacitated person, is no longer incapacitated and it is ordered that Henry Doe, the Guardian of Jane R. Dunn, an Incapacitated Person, shall file an account of his administration of the estate of Jane R. Dunn, an incapacitated person, within ____days of the date of this Decree.



The Petition of Jane R. Dunn respectfully states that:

1. By Decree of the Honorable John Jones dated September 1, 2000, Petitioner was adjudged an incapacitated person, and the Court appointed guardians of her person and estate.
2. The guardian of her estate is Henry Doe and his address is P.O. Box 1234, Boston, Massachusetts 12345; the guardian of her person is Joan Smith, 2000 Locust Way, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
3. Petitioner is not presently and has never been a patient in a mental hospital.
4. Petitioner presently resides alone at 261 Horse Hair Road, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
5. The names and addresses of Petitioner's living next-of-kin are:

Joan Smith

1200 Locust Way

Philadelphia, PA 19103

Henry Doe

P.O. Box 1234

Boston, MA 12345

6. The mental and physical health of Petitioner has been restored, and she is capable of managing her own person and property, and her own affairs, both financial and otherwise.

Wherefore, Petitioner respectfully requests that she be adjudged capable of managing her own estate and person and that the guardian of the estate be directed to file an account of his administration of the estate.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane R. Dunn

See Rule 14.2.E.