Petition for Distribution of Principal for the Education of a Minor in Accordance with 20 Pa. C.S.A.§5164

Current through March 1, 2017
Petition for Distribution of Principal for the Education of a Minor in Accordance with 20 Pa. C.S.A.§5164


Now,_____ , 20________ , upon consideration of the annexed Petition,

it is hereby ORDERED and DECREED that Henry Doe, Guardian of the Estate of John Dunn, a Minor, is authorized to expend the principal sum of $4,000 for the education of John Dunn.



The Petition of Henry Doe respectfully states that:

1. The Minor, John Dunn, was born on January 1, 1987.
2. John Dunn's father died on July 7, 2001.
3. John Dunn presently resides with his mother Jane R. Dunn at 261 Horse Hair Road, Philadelphia, PA 19199.
4. By Decree of Jones, J., dated April 1, 2001, Petitioner was appointed Guardian of the Estate of John Dunn, a Minor over the age of 14 years.
5. The estate of John Dunn is composed of a savings account at XYZ Association, having a balance of $20,000.
6. The annual interest generated by the account is $500.
7. John Dunn has now entered AB University as a freshman and is in need of $4,000 to defray the cost of tuition and other expenses in connection with his education, which expenses are detailed in Schedule "A" attached hereto.
8. The Minor's mother is unable to provide him with financial assistance because all of her income and earnings are required for the maintenance of the home in which she and the said minor reside and for other costs of living.
9. No previous allowance has been made on behalf of John Dunn.

Wherefore, Petitioner respectfully requests this Court to authorize Petitioner to expend the principal sum of $4,000 for John Dunn's education.

Henry Doe


Jane R. Dunn, mother and natural Guardian of John Dunn, hereby consents to the foregoing Petition.


Jane R. Dunn

John Dunn hereby consents to the foregoing Petition.


John Dunn Note:

See Philadelphia Rule 12.5.5(b).