Objections to Account

Current through March 1, 2017
Objections to Account


The objection of Harvey White to the First and Final Account of Jane R. Dunn, Executrix of the Will of Joseph B. Dunn, Deceased, is filed for the following reason:

The accountant has failed to pay to Harvey White, the objectant, the sum of $5,000 owed by the Decedent on a promissory note of the Decedent dated January 2, 2000 and delivered to objectant on the same date. The entire amount of the note with interest thereon from the date of the promissory note was due and unpaid by the Decedent at the time of his death. A copy of the note is attached as Exhibit "A."

Objectant respectfully requests this Court to award to Harvey White the full amount of his claim of $5,000 with interest from January 2, 2000, the date of the note.


Harvey White

I, HARVEY WHITE, verify that I am the Objectant in the foregoing Objection; that I am a creditor of Joseph B. Dunn, Deceased, the aforesaid Decedent; that the Objection above set forth is not filed for the purpose of delay, but because it is believed that it raises a proper question regarding the assets and liabilities of Decedent's estate and the balance available for distribution to the parties fairly entitled thereto, and in order to prevent injustice in the administration and distribution of Decedent's estate.

Harvey White


See Philadelphia Rule 6.10.A for the rules governing objections.