As amended through December 18, 2021
Rule *404 - Philadelphia Municipal Court Traffic Division Public Access Policy(a)Case Records. The policy of the Philadelphia Municipal Court Traffic Division ("Traffic Division") is to provide unrestricted access to its case records except as provided by law and state and local rules. The "case records" of the Traffic Division consist of citations issued or filed as required by law and rules of court, any notices, orders and warrants issued by the Traffic Division and any other legal papers filed with the Traffic Division. However, the following Traffic Division case records shall not be accessible to the public: (1) Documents containing defendant's employment and financial information which is provided as required by rules of court to enable the Traffic Division to enter and enforce installment payment orders, including In Forma Pauperis petitions; and(2) Documents which contain any of the confidential information listed in subsection (b) below, unless the confidential information is redacted.(b)Electronic Case Records and Confidential Information. It is the policy of the Traffic Division to permit the public to access, inspect and obtain electronic case records of the Traffic Division that exist in its case management system, eTIMS and any supporting electronic program, to the fullest extent legally permitted and feasible, except as provided by law, state and local rules, applicable UJS policies, provided that the Traffic Division's orderly and efficient case flow is not disrupted by the request for electronic case records. However, the following information is deemed confidential and shall not be accessible to the public:(1) social security numbers;(2) operator license numbers;(3) witness information for Traffic Court cases including name, address and other contact information;(4) financial institution account numbers, credit card numbers, PINS or passwords used to secure accounts;(5) notes, drafts, and work products related to court administration or any office that is the primary custodian of an electronic case record;(6) information sealed or protected pursuant to court order;(7) information to which access is otherwise restricted by federal law, state law, or state court rule; and(8) information presenting a risk to personal security, personal privacy, or the fair, impartial and orderly administration of justice, as determined by the Court Administrator with the approval of the Administrative Governing Board of the First Judicial District.(c)Request for Bulk Electronic Case Records or Data. Standard reports will be made available to Requesters upon payment of the requisite fee. Requests for combined electronic case records ("bulk records") shall be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis. Any request for bulk records that can be compiled using an existing report format shall be granted. Any request for bulk records or data which cannot be compiled using an existing report format will be granted if the request is not onerous, and the Traffic Division has available personnel and resources needed to compile the information requested without adversely impacting the operations of the First Judicial District or otherwise disrupting its orderly and efficient case flow. Requests for electronic case records will be subject to fees and costs adopted by the Traffic Division from time to time.(d)Remote Access to Case Records and Electronic Case Records. The Traffic Division is not required to provide remote access to case records or electronic case records. From time to time, however, the Traffic Division may provide electronic access to all or some such case records and/or electronic case records, in accordance with this rule and other applicable law, rules or regulations.(e)Fees. Forms. The Traffic Division shall adopt a Public Access Fee Schedule and Request Forms, which may be amended from time to time and which shall be posted on the FJD website, by the Administrative Judge of the Philadelphia Municipal Court Traffic Division on November 6, 2017, effective 1/6/2018. See Philadelphia Municipal Court Traffic Division Administrative Order No. 01 of 2017. Published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on12/2/2017.