Priority List (listed in the order of their priority)
An attorney not actually on trial who desires to attend a Preliminary Hearing must obtain the prior approval of the Judge presiding in the highest priority room to which the attorney is assigned.
Note: Administrative Regulation 74-4, December 2, 1974; superseded by Administrative Regulation 79-4, October 22, 1979; amended December 8, 1980, effective immediately.
Since the District Court lists criminal and civil cases interchangeably, the Common Pleas Court shall follow the same policy with respect to the engagement of counsel as set forth under civil cases, including Advance Special Listings.
The District Court shall recognize as engaged any attorney-of-record in any homicide or major criminal case actually on trial and where same has been scheduled for trial by the appropriate Calendar Judge at the calendar call held no more than three days prior to the actual trial date.
Phil. Cnty. Pa. *786