As amended through December 18, 2021
Rule *122-1 - Standards for Appointment of Counsel(A)Lists of Qualified AttorneysThe Criminal Listing Department will maintain a list of attorneys qualified for appointment in each of the following categories of cases:
(1) Capital Homicide Lead Counsel(2) Capital Homicide-Penalty Phase Mitigation Counsel(4) Capital homicide appellate(5) Non-capital homicide appellate(B)Selection of Attorneys(1) Each attorney who desires appointment in each of the above categories of cases must fill out the appropriate Application for Court Appointment Certification which shall be updated from time to time by the Administrative Judge of the Trial Division, shall reference the necessary qualifications, and shall be posted on the websites of the First Judicial District and the Philadelphia Bar Association. The Application will be submitted to a Screening Committee of the Philadelphia Bar Association. The Screening Committee shall consist of members appointed by the Administrative Judge of the Trial Division. Neither the Chief Defender, nor any attorney from the Defender Association of Philadelphia, nor any attorney from the District Attorney's Office shall be eligible for appointment to the Screening Committee. The Administrative Judge of the Trial Division shall appoint no fewer than three members as the Screening Committee.(2) The Screening Committee will periodically review all Applications submitted, and will designate attorneys who are qualified for handling each category of case; the Screening Committee will maintain such lists of attorneys. It will be the duty of the Screening Committee to review these lists regularly, to add new applicants who meet the qualifications. No member of the Screening Committee will be permitted to accept an appointment during the member's term on the Screening Committee.(3) From time-to-time, the lists of approved attorneys will be made available to the judges authorized to make appointments.Amended September 20, 2019, effective 12/2/2019; amended by Order dated November 30, 2021 (see President Judge GCR No. 43 of 2021), published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on December 18, 2021, effective 1/17/2022.