Northum. Cnty. Pa NCV-1915.4-3

As amended through April 1, 2021
(a) The Custody Conference Officer appointed by the Court shall meet with the parties and their counsel, if any, with a goal of mediating the differences between the parties, encourage an amicable resolution of their differences and, if appropriate, refer the parties to counseling or other services which may assist the parties and the minor child or children.
(b) At the conference the Custody Conference Officer shall ascertain the respective positions of the parties and, if necessary, receive testimony from the parties, documentary evidence, medical and other records, and wherever appropriate, statements from the minor children involved in the matter.
(c) To facilitate the conference process and encourage frank, open and meaningful exchanges between the parties and their respective counsel, statements made by the parties, or their witnesses, shall not be admissible as evidence in any custody hearing before the court. The Custody Conference Officer shall not be a witness for or against any party in a custody hearing before the court or in any other proceeding whatsoever absent a court order.
(d) If the parties are able to reach an agreement during the conference resolving all of the issues raised, the Custody Conference Officer shall prepare an order memorializing the agreement, to be forwarded to the court for review. If approved, the order shall be filed with the Prothonotary and copies distributed to counsel, or to any unrepresented party.
(e) If the parties are unable to reach an agreement during the conference, the Custody Conference Officer shall prepare a Conference Summary Report setting forth the facts ascertained from the conference and outline the issues for resolution by the court. The Conference Summary Report shall be filed with the Prothonotary and copies shall be distributed by the Custody Conference Office to all parties. Whenever necessary, the court may enter an interim order after review of the Conference Summary Report.
(f) Any matters not agreed upon at the conference is subject to review at a custody hearing before the court. The Custody Conference Officer may schedule a pretrial conference in an initial custody or modification proceeding before a judge, or a party may file a praecipe for a pretrial conference before a judge, in accordance with Pa.R.C.P. 1915.4-4.

Northum. Cnty. Pa NCV-1915.4-3