Jun. Cnty. Pa. X

As amended through June 29, 2024
Section X - Monitoring and Evaluation of Language Access Plan: Complaint/Feedback Procedure

Click here to view image The judicial district will review this LAP annually to assess whether it needs to be updated. The LAP will remain in effect unless modified or updated.

Click here to view image The judicial district's review shall include the following areas which may indicate a need to update the LAP:

Increase in number of LEP and/or deaf or hard of hearing persons requesting court interpreters or language assistance Funding provided or available for languages services Current language needs to determine if additional services or translated materials should be provided Feedback from LEP and deaf or hard of hearing communities and stakeholders within the judicial district Court staff (turnover, new hires, etc.) Feedback from trainings provided by the judicial district or AOPC Viability of identified language services and resources Problem areas such as improper denial, delay, or poor quality language assistance and corrective action strategies Updated census data

Click here to view image The language access coordinator for this judicial district ensures this plan is followed, advises the court on potential updates to this plan, and coordinates provision of language access services for the judicial district as they arise.

Click here to view image The language access coordinator for this judicial district can be reached at languageaccesscoordinator@perryco.org.

Click here to view image The judicial district will notify the AOPC of any changes to the language access coordinator's contact information, or if a new language access coordinator is named.

Click here to view image Any revisions to the language access plan will be communicated to all court personnel, and an updated version of the plan will be posted on the court's website and in a public notification area in the courthouse, as well as distributed to all relevant stakeholders.

Anyone has the right to file a complaint against this judicial district when he or she believes that the judicial district did not provide the necessary language access services.

Click here to view image The Language Access Coordinator shall take reasonable steps to inform court users about the availability of the UJS language access complaint form.

The Language Access Coordinator for this judicial district:

Click here to view image Utilizes the UJS language access complaint form

Click here to view image Has posted the complaint form on the judicial district website with this language access plan, and made hard copies of the complaint form readily available in court offices

All complaints regarding this LAP should be forwarded to the language access coordinator for this judicial district.

Click here to view image The Language Access Coordinator or his/her designee will investigate any complaints that allege noncompliance with this LAP.

Click here to view image If the investigation results in a finding of compliance, the Language Access Coordinator will inform the complainant in writing of this determination, including the basis for determination.

Click here to view image If the investigation results in a finding of noncompliance, the Language Access Coordinator will inform the complainant of the noncompliance in a letter that outlines the steps the judicial district will take to correct the noncompliance.

Click here to view image The Language Access Coordinator will complete the Language Access Complaint Tracking Log provided by AOPC twice a year, and forward the log to the Coordinator for Court Access, AOPC.

I certify that the above information is true and correct and this plan is effective on April 20, 2020.

Date: ___________ Language Access Coordinator Signature: ________________________________

Date: ___________ District Court Administrator Signature: __________________________________

Date: ___________ President Judge Signature: ____________________________________________

Jun. Cnty. Pa. X