As amended through September 10, 2024
Rule 1920.51(a) - Appointment of Master, Master's Fee, Transcript Costs(a) The moving party shall file a Motion for Appointment of Master and deposit the sum of $750.00 for the master's services with the Prothonotary prior to the time that a master is appointed.(b) Subject to the direction of the court, the master shall have procedural and administrative control of the proceedings in regard to the detention of witnesses for examination and the general course of the proceedings. The master shall rule on objections to competency, relevancy of testimony, and admissibility of evidence. If the master sustains an objection, the testimony shall not be heard or reported. Parties may file exceptions to the master's rulings.(c) The master shall satisfy himself or herself of the jurisdiction of the Court and of the formal sufficiency and regularity of the record. If not so satisfied, the master shall afford the parties an opportunity to make the necessary corrections, and if they are not made within a reasonable time, shall report to the Court for its instruction.(d) The master shall receive one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per hour for all services including conducting hearings, researching, and writing reports.(e) To receive compensation, the master shall file:(1) the report and recommendation or a marital settlement agreement with a statement that the matter has settled;(2) a proposed order for equitable distribution, if warranted;(3) a decree for divorce, if divorce is recommended; and(4) an invoice for services detailing the date and time expended in quarter-hour increments.(f) Should the master's services exceed the deposit, the master shall petition the Court by routine motion for additional compensation for actual time worked detailing the date and time expended in quarter-hour increments. A petition for additional compensation shall not toll the deadline for the master to file the report.(g) Unless otherwise ordered by Court, the Prothonotary shall pay no master's fee until the master files the report.(h) The court reporter or transcriptionist shall abide by the format of transcripts and be paid transcript costs in accordance with Pennsylvania Rules of Judicial Administration 4001 et seq.(i) In the event that a hearing is canceled by the master with less than twenty-four hours' notice, an appearance fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) shall be paid to the court reporter.(j) Should the master's services and transcription costs not exceed the deposit, the Prothonotary shall return the balance to the paying party.Fay. Cnty. Pa. 1920.51(a)
Amended February 19, 2019, effective 4/8/2019.