As amended through July 15, 2018
Rule 4017.1 - Videotape Depositions(i) The oath shall be administered by a court reporter, if present. Otherwise, any attorney present at the deposition, as an officer of the court, is authorized to administer the oath to the witness, (j) Prior to making any objection or moving to strike testimony during the course of the deposition, the objecting/moving party shall advise the video operator that he wishes to go off camera. The objection or motion, the basis therefor, the response of the adverse party and any other discussion pertaining to the objection or motion shall be made off camera but recorded by the court reporter as art of the written transcript of the deposition. At the conclusion of the discussion the parties shall advise the video operator, and the deposition shall then resume on camera. (k) If any objections and/or motions to strike have been made, the parties shall first review the written transcript and attempt to resolve areas of disagreement before requesting the trial judge to rule. In the event the parties are unable to resolve all their differences, the trial judge shall be notified promptly so as not to delay the trial. The objecting or moving party shall specify the pages and lines in the written transcript that are the subject of his objection or motion. (l) On camera testimony directed to be stricken by the trial judge shall not be heard or seen by the jury. The I trial judge shall make whatever explanation to the jury he deems appropriate concemmg the stricken testimony. (m) A deposition pursuant to this rule may be taken at any place agreed to by the parties unless the court for cause shown otherwise orders. In the absence of any agreement, the deposition shall take place in the courthouse complex. (See Rule * 4002.)