The following "Motions" may be submitted for consideration by the Court without wiitten responses or briefs.
Motion to compel discovery in aid of execution
Motion to break and enter
Motion requiring a supersedeas appeal board
Motion for writ of seizure
Motion for return of personal property
Motion for reconsideration
Motion for peremptory judgment
The foregoing motions, after filing with the Office of Judicial Support shall be presented to the Court Administrator's Office, which shall promptly deliver the motion to the appropriate Judge or schedule the case for a hearing before the Court. The moving party shall include a cover sheet pursuant to 205.2(b) and shall promptly notify all parties affected of the hearing date, if so advised by the Court.
If a hearing date has been assigned, requests for a continuance shall be made on a fully completed continuance application form, available in the Court Administrator's Office and then submitted to the Court Administrator. Stamped envelopes, pre-addressed to all parties in interest, shall accompany the continuance application form. Requests for continuance received by the Court Administrator within one (1) week of the hearing date may be referred to the appropriate Judge for review.
Del. Cnty. Pa. 208.3(a)